Monday, March 9, 2009

cleanup crew

I forgot to include these lovely but somewhat dark photos of my assisstant, who kindly cleaned up the mess I left.

Lu approaching the foreign substance...

Lu directing the now identified editble object towards the garbage can...

Lu acting as garbage disposal... (if you look closely you can see she's actually licking the strawberry. What an amazing photographer I am haha)

<3 peanut butter angeli


  1. aww youre doggie is soo cute :) and youre blog is so happy i love it!

  2. hahaha, in the photo of lu sniffing and eating the strawberry, i imagine my dog right behind her sniffing and eating her =]..
    dont worry, i'd save her!!

  3. OMG how cute!!! I completely love your blog. And your dog.

  4. I like the honey idea; I'm going to try it out sometime... and I absolutely LOVE the name of your blog - it's the most creative one I've seen, and it fits really well :)
    & your dog is super adorable!
